Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can be treated in many patients with the use of a removable dental appliance. The most common approach is the forward positioning of the mandible to a "Class III" type relationship to the upper jaw. AOA's appliances offer a range of options – all removable. Appliances can be mechanically attached between upper and lower arches, or a single unit. All appliances require a healthy dental environment but can be modified in material choices to accommodate various considerations such as under-cuts and potential periodontal problems.
The cause of snoring may be a serious medical consideration and it is advisable that all complaints be referred to the patient's physician for evaluation before dental intervention is considered or initiated.
The Acrylic Herbst design can be used as either a removable functional appliance for the correction of a Class II malocclusion or designed for Sleep Apnea by positioning the mandible forward at night, resulting in a larger airway.
The Breathe Easy Splint is a sleep apnea appliance made of a durable, dual-hardness thermoplastic that forms a single unit that engages both upper and lower arches. The soft inside portion fits against the teeth and is flexible for maximum comfort while the outer edge is firm for maximum durability and hygiene. The Breathe Easy Splint stabilizes the lower jaw and brings it forward so that the patient's airway remains open.
The Breathe Easy EMA is an appliance that consists of upper and lower pressure formed splints. Special pads are embedded in the posterior quadrants to produce freeway opening. A kit of interchangeable elastic straps provides varying means of advancement is available upon request.
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Last Updated: September 28th, 2023 11:35 AM